Effects of Soil Pollution on Geotechnical Behaviour of Soils
Ground pollution arises from the impact of past and current industrial activity and due to improper disposal of waste generated by society. Geoenvironmental engineering deals with the most important aspects: (a) Soil pollution processes and effect on geotechnical properties, and (b) Waste Management. Soil-pollutants interaction changes soil behaviour and also can lead to various geotechnical problems. Attempts to understand the soil response to various pollutants and available methods to control the same are presented. While the changes in the behaviour of soil contaminated with variety of pollutant in the absence of strong interaction, the behaviour of soil interacted with contaminants leading to mineralogical changes is only getting attention recently. The effect of sulphate on different fine grained soil in alkaline and acidic environment is presented. 1. SOIL POLLUTION PROCESSES The environment can contaminate soil water by three basic mechanisms: (i) Rainfall, such as acid rains falling onto a sanitary landfill, oil or chemical waste spilled into the ground (ii) Human activities (iii) Physico chemical alterations, which allow polluting substances to move within or between soil layers. 2. EFFECTS ON SOIL PROPERTIES Soil response to environments depends on Soil structure, Geochemical parameters (Mineralogical and chemical characteristics), Soil-water interaction. 3. SOIL SENSITIVITY TO ENVIRONMENT The sensitivity of soil to environment depends not only on the local environment but also influenced by mineral structure, such as particle size, bonding characteristics between particles, ion exchange capacity, etc. The smaller the soil particle greater is its ability to interact with the environment (Fig. 1). The weaker the bonding energy between particles or higher the cation exchange capacity, the higher the sensitivity of the particles to the environment. For, example, montmorillonite is potentially more sensitive to the environment than illite and kaolinite. 4. SENSITIVITY OF SOIL TO PHYSICOCHEMICAL INTERACTIONS Soil-waste interaction can affect almost all the properties of soils (Sivapullaiah & Sridharan 1987, Sridharan & Sivapullaiah 1987). Soil structure and mineralogy play very important role in understanding the effects of pollutants. Though the effects of pollutants on soils are complex, they may be better understood if the various factors are isolated and considered independently. These factors are primarily due to ion exchange (cation and anion exchange) or nature of pore fluid (electrolyte concentration, dielectric constant, acidity and alkalinity). Strong acids and alkalis may dissolve and disintegrate clays and their effect is not considered here. The effects, which are different for different types of soils, are considered on the following geotechnical properties. Fig. 1: Sensitive Index and Particle Size (after Fang 1976) 5. EFFECT OF SOIL-WASTE INTERACTION ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOIL Soil-waste interaction can affect almost all the properties of soils. Though the effects of pollutants on soils are complex, they may be better understood if the various factors are isolated and considered independently. These factors are primarily due to ion exchange or mature of pore fluid. The effects may different for different types of soils. The effects of exchangeable ions and the nature of pore fluids on the geotechnical properties can be summarized as follows: 5.1 Index Properties of Polluted Soils Clay particles are amphiphoteric in nature and have the capacity to attract cations and anions. The properties of soils IGC 2009, Guntur, INDIA Effects of Soil Pollution on Geotechnical Behaviour of Soils 934 can vary significantly depending on the type of ions with which they are associated. 5.1.1 Cation Exchange The influence of the exchangeable ions on the Atterberg limits of various clays has been well documented (Lambe 1969). In general, the influence of cations on soil properties increases with increasing activity of the clay. The most important characteristics of the cations are their valence and size. In soils containing expansive clay minerals, the type of exchangeable cation exerts a controlling influence over the amount of expansion that takes place in the presence of water. For example, sodium and lithium montmorillonite can exhibit almost unrestricted inter-layer swelling provided water is available, the conflicting pressure is small, and the excess electrolyte concentration is low. Di-and trivalent forms of montmorillonite do not expand beyond a basal spacing of about 18Å, regardless of the environment. In soils composed mainly of non-expansive clay mineral, the type of adsorbed cation is of greatest important in influencing the behaviour. Monovalent cations, particularly sodium and lithium, promote deflocculation, whereas clay suspensions, ordinary flocculate in the presence of di-and trivalent cations. 5.1.2 Anion Exchange The effect of anion adsorption on Index chemical properties of clays is not well investigated, though some data has been available in recent years. Recently studies (Sreepada Rao 1982) are conducted on the effects of phosphate ions. Anion adsorption was caused by treating the clays with phosphate and acetates at low pHs. The treatment appreciably changed the physico-chemical properties of both kaolinite and montmorillonite clays, though by different mechanism. Phosphoric acid increases stable aggregation leading to higher porosities and water holding capacities but lower bulk densities. Phosphate adsorption increases the liquid limit, the surface area and the free swell volumes of kaolinite significantly because of flocculation of clay particles. Because of aggregation, the liquid limit of Na-montmorillonite decreased on phosphate adsorption. In Ca-montmorillonite, initially these values decreased with treatment, but subsequently increased because of the exchange of divalent calcium by monovalent hydrogen. 5.1.3 Nature of Pore Fluids The effect of electrolyte upon the zeta potential or the electric charge of the clay minerals is important feature in the case of the liquid limit of clays. Liquid limits of two clays have been determined after addition of low concentrations of sodium Pyrophosphate and sodium carbonate. At low concentrations of sodium carbonate, some sodium ions are adsorbed upon the clay minerals. This way the net negative charge of the clay mineral decreases. At higher concentrations some of the carbonate/phosphate ions combine with the clay mineral by chemical binds. This leads to an increase in the net negative charge. Such a chemical binding can continue only until all possible bonds between anion and the clay minerals are established. Further addition of sodium carbonate will lead to an adsorption of the positively charged sodium ions and, hence, to a decrease in the net negative charge of the clay particle. These effects have influence on the liquid limit and hence the observed behaviour. A number of polar organic molecules have been observed to form interlayer complexes with clays and to cause expansion of the clay lattice. Non-polar saturated organic molecules such as n-hexane and n-dodecane have also been reported to form inter-lamellar complexes with air-dried montmorillonite. The extent and case with which intercalation occurs with nonpolar organics may depend upon the state of hydration of clay itself. The interlayer spacing of montmorillonite in polar organic solvents will be very high particularly with solvents of high dipole moments and high dielectric constant such as formamide. Based on the effect of the various organic solvents on the liquid limit of clays, the effect of these solvents on other mechanical properties can be envisaged, since generalisation of soil behaviour through normalisation with liquid limits is possible. It has been shown that good correlation exists between dielectric constant of pore fluid and shrinkage void ratio. For both these clays the shrinkage void ratio decreases as the dielectric constant of pore fluid increased. The studies also threw on the physical mechanisms involved in the shrinkage phenomena with the aid of modified effective stress concept 5.2 Volume Change Behaviour Volume changes in soils are important because of their consequences in terms of settlement due to compression. In addition, changes in volume lead to changes in strength and deformation properties, which in turn influence stability. Compressibility of pure clays can be accounted for quantitatively by the consideration of double-layer repulsive forces. These forces between particles are due to the presence of exchangeable ions. It has been established that electrical double layer theory of Guoy-Chapman can be effectively used to describe the compressibility behaviour. The consolidation characteristics of montmorillonite depend upon the size of the cation present in the clay-water system. Variations in pore water electrolyte concentration have little effect on the void ratio-effective stress relationships for the Ca-montmorillonite in water, apparently because doublelayer effects are smaller than predicted by classical theory and because of the formation of permanent domains. Even in the case of Na-montmorillonite there is evidence of domain formation during swelling at low values of effective stress though their consolidation curves are in qualitative confirmation of double-layer theory. Salas & Serratosa (1953) did not find appreciable differences in the nature of cations in case of kaolinite because of its low exchange capacity. The compressibility order found for bentonite is, Li > Na > K > Ca > Ba Effects of Soil Pollution on Geotechnical Behaviour of Soils 935 in accordance with the characteristics of these ions. However, special notice should be taken of the particular position occupied by the K-bentonite. This different behaviour is due to particle fixation of potassium in a nonexchangeable manner (on drying the sample) and becoming colloidally inactive. 5.2.1 Anion Adsorption The compressibility characteristics of various phosphate and acetate adsorbed clays were studied by Sreepada Rao (1982). It has been shown that phosphate adsorption significantly influences the volume change behaviour of clays. Phosphate adsorbed Na—and kaolinites have shown increased volume on saturation at seating pressure and reduced compressions upon subsequent loading. The quantum of swelling at the seating pressure increases with duration (or degree) of phosphate adsorption, and resistance to compression increase on further loading. The increase in volume at seating pressure has been attributed to the change in the fabric towards a higher flocculation (or random fabric) and increase in volume of individual particles because of phosphate adsorption. An increase in resistance offered by the treated clays has also been attributed to the above changes in fabric and to the reduced plasticity characteristics of the treated clays. Phosphate treated Ca-kaolinite swells more than treated Nakaolinite at seating pressure, although the difference is small. The compression for subsequent loading is less for treated Ca-kaolinite than for treated Na-kaolinite than for treated Nakaolinite. The effect of the associated cation is small for treated kaolinite clays. Treatment of Na-montmorillonite with phosphoric acid results in reduced swelling at seating pressure and resistance to external loading increases for Camontmorillonite. For Ca-montmorillonite treatment causes the clay to swell but the compressibility reduced. The difference between behaviour of Naand Camontmorillonites is due to the cation effect. While the replacement of Na by H causes less swelling, that of Ca by H causes increased swelling because of changes in the thickness of the diffuse double layer. This is further confirmed by the essentially similar behaviour of 1000h treated Na and Ca montmorillonite, where both the clays become in essence H—montmorillonites. Treatment causes aggregation of particles and, possibly a change in the fabric towards a greater flocculence. The combined effect is for the soil skeleton to resist the external loading with reduced compressions. The results on Hclays (both treated and untreated) confirm the conclusions drawn for treated Nand Ca—clays. For all the different homoionic kaolinite and montmorillonite clays, phosphate adsorption causes reduction in compression index values. The reduction is marked for montmorillonite clays. 5.3 Effect of Dielectric Constant The volume change behaviour of clays can be significantly affected by the nature of the pore fluid. It has been found by several investigators that both swelling and compression can take place with changes in the nature of pore fluid but without any change in the external load. The two important aspects of the nature of pore fluid which have been studied in detail and reported in the literature are the dielectric constant and the ionic concentration. In the presence of different organic pore fluids, the effect of dielectric constant is diametrically opposite for kaolinite and montmorillonite clays in their compression behaviour. While montmorillonite clay shows significant swelling with increase in dielectric constant (at constant external load), kaolinite clay showed a decrease in volume. This behaviour has been explained by two different mechanisms: mechanism 1, where the volume change is governed by the shearing resistance at interparticle level and mechanism 2, where the volume change is governed primarily by the diffuse double-layer repulsive forces. Although these two mechanisms operate simultaneously, the results reveal that mechanism 1 primarily controls the volume change behaviour in non-expanding type clays like kaolinite, whereas mechanism 2 operates in the case of expanding lattice type clays like montmorillonite. Secondary compression, which can form a significant portion of total compression, is also greatly influenced by the type of pore fluid using several organic fluids. It has been shown that the secondary compression per unit of log (time) to the final thickness of the sample for any pressure increment is directly related to the strength of the soil skeleton at particle level. The secondary compression coefficient decreases with increase in the strength of soil skeleton at particle level, which is governed by the dielectric constant of the pore fluid. 5.4 Effect of Electrolyte Concentration The compression behaviour of a clayey soil is significantly influenced by the concentration of ions in the pore fluid. The effect of the concentration of ions in the pore fluid is different for different types of ions. According to doublelayer theory, as ion concentration increases the equilibrium void ratio decreases because the double layer is compressed. The effect of ion concentration is strong at low consolidation pressures when the concentration is grater than 10M. When the ion concentration is less than 10 M its effect on the equilibrium void ratio is negligible at all pressures.
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